Monday, October 4, 2010


Tomorrow Sofia will be 7 weeks old!  Time has flown and I'm fearful that in a blink I'll be back at work (I have 6 more weeks left) and I'm not appreciating every moment I have with her now. 

We've made great progress over the past few days.  Not only is she consistently sleeping in her car seat (remember that this is progress because she was only sleeping in our arms), but today she napped for 2 hours in her bassinet!!  (the one on the pack n play)  That is HUGE!!  I'm hopeful she'll start sleeping in it at night too.  At night, we take turns sleeping out in the living room on the couch so that the other person can get restful sleep.  The hope is that eventually she sleeps in our bedroom where we have the bassinet set up.

The other great thing is that she seems to be taking a pacifier finally!!  I know - why is this good?  Well, it's wonderful because up until now the only thing she wanted was my finger!  And lately she would take Russ's finger too, but can you imagine how inconvenient that is??  Not only was I holding her the whole time, but much of that time my finger was in her mouth!  No wonder I couldn't get anything done.  So now she is happy with a pacifier and while that might be starting a new bad habit, at least it helps her soothe and sleep.

We took pictures of her today and finally ordered our birth announcements.  She'll be nearly 2 months old before they go out, but that's alright - they're going out at least right??

Here is one of my favorite pictures.  It was going to be on the announcement but we went in a different direction so I'll share it here.  I'm going to enlarge a copy and give it to my mom - her two girls, sleeping...


  1. What a beautiful picture! You two are gorgeous together. And so peaceful. I'm so glad that the sleeping thing is getting better. Our daughter would only sleep in her Rock n' Play Sleeper chair until she was two months old, when we finally transitioned her to her bassinet. Now she's four months old and sleeps the best in the morning, when I keep her in our bed. These babies sure are particular about where they sleep!I hope things continue improving for you!

    Esperanza @

  2. oops! Forgot the rest!

    Esperanza @

  3. I'm so proud of you guys for getting her to sleep in her carseat. And that she took a nap in her basinett. Good work!!! We aren't making any progress in the sleeping department, except that she's sleeping good long stretches now. It's just that she's still in our bed...

    Have I told you lately how gorgeous your little girl is?

  4. What a beautiful picture of you two little ladies!!! I love it, just precious! Congrats on the progress, every little bit counts and is one step closer to getting where you want to be. Keep up the good work!!! xoxoxox

  5. Beautiful! Sounds like she is making progress on her sleeping!
